Monday 20 February 2017

Term 1 Week 3

Recycling in Room 16

Each day in Room 16 we look through our lunch boxes to see if we have anything that can be recycled. We put items into the worm bin, the general recycling bin, paper recycling and soft plastics recycling. Anything that can't be recycled we send home for our landfill rubbish bins.  Mr Barnes has been so impressed with how little rubbish Room 16 has at the end of the day!

We have made a tally chart for three of the different types of recycling so we can use this in maths over the next few weeks.

On Friday one of the children have the job of taking the soft plastic recycling home with them so they can drop it in one of the special bins around our community (usually at the supermarket).

It has been great to see that a few children in Room 16 have no recycling or landfill rubbish at all! Wow!


  1. I love that kids are learning about saving our planet at such an early age! Keep up the great work.

  2. What a great idea - love it! Stop picking your nose Afa haha (oops don't read that bit out)

  3. Thank you so much for teaching us about recycling soft plastics Room 16. Justine (Leonie's mum)
